With experience in art direction, branding, visual design, UI, UX, graphic design, photography, marketing, content strategy, content creation, SEO, and how all of that feeds into business goals, I know how to plan, produce and perfect.
I’m interested in creative that is captivating.
In the attention economy we want to facilitate authentic connections quickly and efficiently. And the best way to do that is to captivate the right audience, right now.
We do this by first defining the audience, getting a sense of what they need right now, and then using a tailored visual language to capture enough interest to get to the next level of engagement – the value proposition, the offer, and finally the match.
This approach is modeled after the process we all go through in life when were seeking to meet our needs and fulfill our desires. We intrinsically do this – find the people, places and endeavors we’re attracted to, make connections, and explore the possibilities that arise. Marketing just copies life. The goal is to make the best matches, and to do that, you have to make your unique value easy to assess then be in the way of the people you want to connect with.
All the rest follows from this general ethos. The fonts, the colors, the brand position and messaging – it all serves the purpose of showing off the best you have to offer and discovering the people who are keen to connect and either buy or start building trust.
Brands are pretty and useful but brands are created by people and people are the ones actually connecting and making trades. By honing in on the individuals you’re wanting to connect with, you bring authenticity to your marketing and we as people, are hardwired to relax and trust when we sense authenticity is being offered.
In the words of one of my favorite writers: “write like you talk.”
Authentic communication creates connection – in marketing, in life.